Friday, January 21, 2011

Whiskey, Piss and Power

Those UK folks are really something, eh. Earlier, you saw how diabetic urine is being used to ferment top-shelf whiskey. Not the most attractive thought, but hey, different strokes, right? Here's the deal. We're only scratching the surface of renewable energy sources.

Please allow me to introduce you to another link in the chain: WHISKEY POWERED CARS!

Here's how it works:
Diabetics piss in a bottle.
The urine is used to make whiskey.
There's a lot of whiskey left over. Hmmm.. what to do with it?
Scientists use whiskey to produce a biofuel called biobutanol.
Biobutanol can fuel ordinary cars.
People drive the cars to the liquor store and buy whiskey.
Diabetics who drink the whiskey have to pee.
Diabetics piss in a bottle.
~lather, rinse, repeat~

And VOILA! We have infinite whiskey supplies, infinite gas supplies and piss enough for everyone!

Just some interesting stats:

Scotland produces so much whiskey that they have 1600 Million Liters of pot ale left over (1600 million liters = 422,675,284 US gallons!) AND they have 187,000 TONS of draff left over -- That's a lot of gas!

Biobutanol is believed to produce 30% more power than ethanol.

Biobutanol needs no adaptation and can be put in the gas tank as-is.

Original post at GREENWALA